Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Travel bags organisation

Yes I know... It's the hardest thing to only pack things you need but you end up packing things you don't actually need and overpacking. 
I love creating lists as I always find they help me refocus and are just a fantastic thing in general! So without further ado let me present you with you checklist for your travel bags...
You will need 3 bags and 3 bags only! 

Bag 1. The suitcase
Day wear ( 2 or 3 outfits), evening wear (2 outfits) special occasion (1 that's if you have a special occasion), sleep wear (1 a week is more than enough), underwear (7 undies, 2 bras), socks (5)
Baring in mind you can wash these as they shouldn't take too long to dry. A little soap does it! 
Other: shoes, accessories, swimwear, 1 bag and use this for everything, a little make up and toiletries does it.

Bag 2. Handbag 
I find this is great for the carry on items and then use my carry on bag for things that would be in my suitcase but put some in the carry on ( important things e.g laptop or bikinis or shoes). 
Phone & charger, headphones, magazine & book, chewy sweets for take off and landing, water, purse & money, toothpaste & brush, camera, pen & pad, your essential check list- passport, tickets, itinery & contacts. 

Bag 3. The carry on
Like I said in the handbag section some over flow or just important things that would go in your suitcase but you'd rather have it in you carry on with you. 

Good luck dear happy packer! 
Xox Joverco 

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