Sunday, 18 January 2015

A change of lifestyle

The start of a new year and there's a lot of people trying to get fit or dieting- which these only last through January. 
I have found myself getting motivated recently, perhaps I'm picking up on other peoples motivation. I am not bothered by New Years resolutions but I do love that each new day means a new fresh start and that you don't have to wait until a new year to try again. A new day is always a fresh start to be trying again. 

I find that if you don't give what you have to do to change for better lifestyle much thought or try to think only positive things about it then it makes it easier to start. If you think about how far you have to go and not what you've accomplished then it doesn't help and it just makes everything harder. 

'The mind is everything, what you think, you become'- Buddha. 

To get started being motivated is the best and first thing you can do. If I'm lacking motivation, I find everything harder. 
Things that help motivate me is wearing bright, happy, colourful, cute work out clothes- something that makes you feel powerful when working out. My favourite workout clothes brand is Lorna Jane and also Victoria Secret. 

then find helpful is if I have a gym buddie that we can help support each other. We can discuss, help with work out, perhaps even do little competitions- only if it helps. 
Seeing as it's the new year I have brought a new diary/planner. In this I write in it everyday writing this such as: what I've done to be active, reflecting, today's events. Positive word of the day and a word if the day I don't know, as well as a quote of the day. 
I found that writing in the planner has helped keep me motivated because I've written down good things I've done, good things that have happened and what exercise I did. The positive words and quotes also help to motivate. 

Set yourself goals every week but not too hard so they're achievable. 
For the first week my goal was to make sure I worked out 6 times that week allowing one day for my body to rest.
Only focusing on the one goal made it a lot achievable and not so overwhelming. Break it down. If you suddenly decide to change lifestyle and cut out junk food and exercise madly your body won't like it, you will crave more junk food than ever before. (Been there and done that) allow one treat a week. Suddenly exercising lots will make you very tired. It's all a lot to do at once. 
I think that because it's a lifestyle just change slowly and your more likely to do well. 

'Its a lifestyle, not a destination.' 

'If you fail to prepare, prepare to fail'

Planning my meals and snacks always, always, always works for me. If I've planned a meal and it's waiting for me I will have it rather than eating a quick fix. 
If I don't plan or prepare I don't do so well. 

Drinking lots of water is another part of life. We must drink. When we think we're thirsty that's when we're already dehydrated.
 If you don't like water much try adding lemon to it or drink sparkling water. Smoothies and herbal teas are good too. Don't get fooled though. Regular tea isn't  as good because it has caffeine in it as well as milk. 
My personal favourite tea is peppermint tea. 

'The best part if sleep is the hours you get before 12'
Personally I think it's better to go to bed earlier and then get up earlier. Get up with the sun. 9.30-10 is a good time allowing for plenty of sleep. 

To help get motivated also is to create an Instagram account and follow inspiring people. People with food blogs or exercise blog or positive blogs. My favourites are: @sjanaelise @ jayalvarrez @kaylaitsines @steph_pacca @hannahpolites etc 

Create a vision board, find words, quotes , photos anything that you can use to create a vision board. Change it every month. 

'A tidy space is a tidy mind' 
Looking after yourself isn't just physical is emotional and spiritual too. You need to make sure you are happy which makes everyone else around you happy. Have a spring clean of your environment- oraganize (throw out 90%, most stuff you don't need or use anyway) tidy your area, then clean it. Then write things down get organised. Stop procrastinating. 
'Just do it'

Sort out any problems you may have also , any issues with friends or family- reevaluate the issue. Need to go to the doctors, go. 
Having a tidy mind makes everything less stressy. Just let it go don't hold into your anger. 

I hope this is helpful and anything you want more of let me know or any comments I'd love to hear them.

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